The stunt involved hundreds of people taking to the streets, swallowing entire bottles of pills, to try and prove that they are nothing more than sugar pills.
The lack of understanding of how homeopathic remedies work and how they are prescribed is the obvious flaw to the whole stunt. Is there more call for scientific research, absolutely, but when evidence is provided, it gets ridiculed or ignored. Luc Montagnier recently investigated the electromagnetic properties of highly diluted biological samples
More and more is being understood about how these highly diluted substances work and with more findings such as these, we may even be able to shut the sceptics up once and for all. After all many things in life once deemed impossible are possible with emerging scientific technologies
Do these publicity stunts actually have a negative impact on homeopathic practices, or do they fuel interest from the public who normally wouldn’t use homeopathy?
Would these sceptics prefer to continue looking at the world with their narrow minds, continue going to the doctor and receiving drugs which have proven horrific side-effects and evidence that they often don’t even do what they are intended for
If trials were conducted which allowed for the same prescribing methods as practised by homeopaths during consultations, then this would give a much stronger basis of evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy. This can only be achieved with a sound understanding of how homeopathy works, and by the above mentioned publicity stunt and other poor trials which have been conducted in the past, this does not seem the case.
I will throw out this to the sceptics, ‘how do you explain the beneficial effects homeopathic remedies have on children and animals?’ I have not received a response which would make me think anything other than the remedy prescribed is causing the benefits. Some might argue that the illness has run it’s course and the child or pet would have improved regardless if a remedy was prescribed or not. I would argue that often the results are so dramatic immediately after the remedy has been given, it is hard to believe that it be as a result of anything else.
Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
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